Health Services
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Health Services
Shannon Main
School Nurse
A.A. Cole Elementary School
Phone: 315-668-4036
Fax: 315-978-6264
Jolene Garcia
School Nurse
Millard Hawk Elementary
Phone: 315-668-4310
Fax: 315-978-6214
Jill Murphy
School Nurse
Paul V. Moore High School
Phone: 315-668-4231
Fax: 315-676-2768
Kaitlyn Wescott
School Nurse
Brewerton Elementary School
Phone: 315-668-4202
Fax: 315-978-6341
Nicole Ransom
School Nurse
Central Square Middle School
Phone: 315-668-4293
Fax: 315-676-1051
Bethany Hammond
Health Office Assistant
Paul V. Moore High School
Phone: 315-668-4231
Fax: 315-676-2768
Hannah Lesnau
School Nurse
Hastings-Mallory Elementary
Phone: 315-668-4399
Fax: 315-978-6560
Laura Godici
Health Office Assistant
Central Square Middle School
Phone: 315-668-4293
Fax: 315-676-1051
The Health Services Department wants to ensure the maximum physical, mental, and social development of every child in the District. Each building in the District has a nurse available for first aid treatment and to handle any emergencies or illnesses that may occur during school hours. Parents will be notified immediately of any such occurrences.
Parents are responsible for transporting their children if they need to leave the building. It is imperative that the school nurse has updated emergency telephone numbers at all times. Please put together an emergency plan to allow a responsible adult to pick up your child if they need to go home ill or injured in the event you are not available.
The nurse is your child’s advocate and wants the best situation for your child while attending school. Please communicate with your school nurse so they are able to make accommodations for your child’s health needs as necessary. Below is important information from our school nurses.
No medication of any kind (this includes prescription, herbal, topical, and over-the-counter) can be given to a child at school without physician AND parent written authorization per New York State Education Law. The only allowable exception is when the parent and physician submit a written request to the school nurse prescribing a specific medication or drug and the necessity of administration during school hours. The necessary authorization form is available on the Resources and Forms page and from your child's school nurse.
NYSED requires a physical exam for new entrants and students in Grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11; annually for interscholastic sports; and working papers as needed; or as required by the Committee on Special Education (CSE).
A copy of the exam must be submitted on the Required NYS School Health Examination Form and provided to the school within 30 days from when a child first starts school. These forms are to be completed by a private healthcare provider or the School Medical Director.
If a child does not submit a completed form, parents can provide written permission for their child to receive a physical at school from the School Medical Director.
Physical exams include calculating the student’s body mass index (BMI). This information is sent to the NYS Department of Health, but no names are given. If you do not want your child’s BMI information included in the report to the state, please notify your school nurse by December 1.
New York State law also requires vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings. Parents will be notified in writing of any problems detected through these screenings. Parents are required to have these notices completed by the appropriate healthcare provider and returned to the nurse. Call the Health Office to discuss any concerns you may have.
All children must be age-appropriately immunized to attend school in NYS. The number of doses depends on the schedule recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Intervals between doses of vaccine must be in accordance with the “ACIP-Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule”. Doses received before the minimum age or intervals are not valid and do not count toward the number of doses found on the NYS Immunization Requirements Schedule.
Fever — a child should be without fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) before returning to school. A fever is considered 100.4 degrees or higher.
Vomiting/Diarrhea — students should be free of all symptoms and fever before returning to school. We do not recommend sending your child to school if they had any of these symptoms throughout the night.
Strep Throat — a child may return to school after 12 hours on antibiotic therapy and fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
Pink-Eye — a child may return to school once antibiotic treatment is initiated.