• Course Offerings


    Foundations of Technology and Engineering
    Credits: 1.0 High School
    Full Year
    This course is designed to prepare students for a high school engineering pathway. Students will be taught the design process in full through lessons and the creation of class projects. Students will compete to solve given challenges, selecting from the available resources and materials in the lab to create the most successful solution. Projects may include 3-d modeling, 3-d printing, metal working, woodworking, and robotics.

    Custom wooden toy3-D print project of a wheel

    Design and Drawing for Production 
    Credits: 1.0 High School
    Full Year 
    Students will be introduced to basic hand drafting while learning areas of technical drafting such as orthographic projection, pictorial drawings, and section views. Students will not only gain a command of the drawing process, but a thorough understanding of how to communicate through their drawings. The second part of the course concerns itself with design, students are provided with opportunities to experience critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Students will gain an understanding of the design process from the conception of an idea to the creation of a final product, as is used by the industry.

    Technical drawing of a block3-D print project of a block

    CCC College Computer Aided Drafting CAD 
    Credits: 1.0 High School AND Cayuga Community College (CCC) ENGR 126 - Computer Aided Drawing CREDIT 
    Full Year 
    This is an introductory course to CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) utilizing AutoCAD, Inventor, and Chief Architect software. The course will cover basic drawing commands used to construct detailed, blueprint-styled drawings. Time will also be spent on architectural design, students will draw floor plans, create elevations, and design interior layouts using 3-D modeling software. College CAD will earn students 3 credit hours from Cayuga Community College. 

    Recommended prerequisite course: Design and Drawing for Production

    Technical drawing of bridgesComputer drawing of a guitarModel of an interior design project