• Course Offerings


    Video Editing and Creation
    Credits: 0.5 High School
    Half Year: Fall or Spring
    In this course students will learn to take video footage and add their own effects to create clips for entertainment purposes. The Adobe Creative Cloud Software Products will be used in this class to make student visions come to life. Storyboarding, script writing, shot framing, lighting, and genre studies will be some of the topics covered besides the editing process. 

    Production Systems I (Basic Woodworking)
    Credits: 0.5 High School
    Half Year: Fall
    Productions Systems is an introductory level course focused on the processing and conversion of rough cut lumber to a finished product. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to common tools and equipment found in a wood production lab, and how to safely and effectively use each tool. Students will create multiple projects in the class that may include: scroll saw ornaments, pens, wooden joinery boxex and others.

    Custom coastersCustom Harry Potter emblemCustom frame of a wolf

    Residential Structures (Construction) 
    Credits: 0.5 High School
    Half year: Fall or Spring
    This course will teach students how to build a home from the foundation to the roof. The main aspects of construction will be covered such as site preparation, masonry, framing, plumbing, electrical, siding, roofing, and stairs. 

    Shed prototypeConstructed shed

    Automotive Repair and Maintenance - Transportation Land 
    Credits: 0.5 High School
    Half Year: Fall
    This course provides students with the opportunity to learn to perform the routine care and maintenance of the personal automobile. Students will explore and repair the various systems needed to operate a land 56 vehicle. The NY State Inspection process, oil changes, brake changes and tire repair are some examples of class activities.

    A car in a body shopStudents working on a car

    Engineering Theory and Applications 
    Credits: 0.5 High Scholl
    Half Year: Fall
    This course is a rigorous mix of both Engineering Design and the Physics behind each design that makes it work perfectly. The materials covered will better prepare students who are serious about the field of engineering. Projects in this course will allow students to design prototypes using math, science, and technology together to create optimal solutions. This course is designed for Juniors and Seniors
    Required prerequisite courses: Foundations of Technology 1, CAD, and Trigonometry (Can be Concurrent) 

    Custom air hockey tableCustom catapult project