Paul V. Moore High School Counseling Office

  • Counseling Department Staff

    Mrs. Elizabeth Sorbello A to D 10th-12th
    Mrs. Michelle Bergamo E to La 10th-12th
    Mrs. Alaina Wallace Lb to Rh 10th-12th
    Mr. Timothy Wales Ri to Z 10th-12th
    Mrs. Caitlin Kicak 9th Grade Students




      At Paul V. Moore High School, students are assigned to their counselor by the first letters of their last name, with the exception of 9th grade. 

    Students will have the same counselor for grades 10 through 12, according to the breakdown above.  

    The counselor will assist in developing a student's high school program of study designed to meet the requirements for graduation and educational and career goals.

    The primary goal of the school counseling program is to support and enhance student learning. Counseling services promote school success through a focus on academic achievement, prevention and intervention activities, advocacy, social/emotional support, referral, and career development.

    The school counselor is a certified professional educator who provides services to students, teachers, parents, administrators, other school staff, and members of the community as an integral part of a comprehensive education program.  Counseling is a process of helping people.  Through this process, school counselors promote the academic, college & career, and personal/social development of all students.

    Counseling Department Support Staff:
    Kimberly Kemp, Kathy Horning, Hayley Amo

    PVM High School Counseling Department
    44 School Drive, Central Square, NY 13036
    315.668.4231 ext. 53021, 53033, or 53022 (phone)
    315.668.4332 (fax) 
    CEEB/School Code:  331295

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