PikMyKid Dismissal Smart Phone Application

  • Brewerton Elementary currently uses the PikMyKid smart phone application to organize the school dismissal process and improve safety.  Download the PikMyKid App to organize your child's daily dismissal. 

    For more information:  https://www.pikmykid.com/features/for-parents/

    Please make sure you register with your personal current mobile phone number or the app will not allow you to access your child's information for security reasons.  If your child does not appear in your app's home page, contact support@pikmykid.com after registration, with your child's name, school, grade, and updated contact information for you.  Anyone who will be picking up your child should also register themselves with the applications.  Their screen will be blank and they will not have any authorization until you allow it within the app.  If your child is staying after school for any reason, you will be able to manage the permissions with the app instead of sending a note to school!

    Arrival Time:
    8:30 am for students ordering breakfast
    8:57 am for all other students

    Dismissal Time:
    3:45 pm - buses depart
    (Parents signing out students at the end of the day, should arrive between 3:20 pm and 3:30 pm to add their child(ren) to the dismissal list.) 

    *Early Dismissal Days:  On half days we will dismiss student at approximately 11:45 am.